Waterworld Feedback Form

Thanks for participating in Hunter Water's 28 Day Waterworld Shower Challenge. We hope you enjoyed the app and that it assisted you in teaching the Stage 4 Water in our world unit of work.

Please complete this form to provide your feedback to our team.

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Waterworld Challenge Feedback

Please rate the following aspects of the challenge from 1 to 5 with: 1=Poor 5=Excellent

How easy was the registration process?
How easy was the student log in process?
How useful was the pre-challenge presentation that Hunter Water's Education Coordinator gave at highlighting the 'why' water conservation is vital to all in our community?
How relevant and engaging was Waterworld app for the students?
How well did the challenge and pre-challenge presentation assist in meeting syllabus outcomes for the Water in our World unit of work?
How supportive were Hunter Water's Education Coordinators during the challenge?
Would you like to be updated about other exciting Hunter Water education programs? Optional

Any information you provide us in this form will not be used for any other purpose. View our Privacy Statement for more details.