Review of Environmental Factors

A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) will be required for any water or sewer construction works external to the development site, or where onsite construction activities may have environmental impacts that have not been addressed in the consent authorities assessment of the proposed development.

Examples where a REF may be required can include the construction of new or upgraded water and sewer mains, water and sewer pump stations, sewer vents, trunk mains, pressure sewer systems, PRV’s, reservoirs, development in a Wastewater Treatment Plant buffer zone, or development in a water reserve.

A REF considers the likely impacts the works may have on the environment and the local community. A number of stakeholders and government authorities may need to be consulted. This may include notifications and submissions made to Local Council or government authorities and consultation and/or notification undertaken with the local community or affected landowners.

The REF needs to be prepared in accordance with our Review of Environmental Factors REF Guidance Notes (found below) and is to include a preliminary project design. The Accredited Design Consultant for the works is responsible for coordinating the REF and ensuring consistency with the project design and is to submit the REF to

A REF assessment fee needs to be paid when the REF is submitted for review and approval. Please contact our front counter team via 1300 657 657 to make payment. Please quote your Hunter Water Deed Number. The first review of the REF report is expected to be completed within 30 to 60 Days of payment being received - depending on the quality of the report and complexity of the scope of works. Secondary reviews are expected to be completed within 30 days.

The REF is to be submitted for review and approval with the "For Construction" plans by the Accredited Design Consultant. The REF will be reviewed and approval will be issued by Hunter Water. If changes are required an updated submission on both REF and "For Construction" plans will be requested, capturing any changes or risk mitigation measures. Approval of the resubmitted documentation will need to occur before proceeding to any construction activity.

Information to support you

View our REF guidance notes and minor works template for more information.

REF's for consultation

REF's endorsed by Hunter Water: