Access to Hunter Water land

We own land across the Lower Hunter region to help deliver water and wastewater services to our customers.

Most of our land contains critical assets and infrastructure, requiring 24/7 unrestricted access. Even if land seems vacant, it may include pipelines or sensitive areas with restricted public access to protect assets, ecosystems or water quality.

Access requires approval and is assessed case by case, considering the request's nature, location, and impact. A licence fee may apply and will be communicated during the review process.

Process for requesting access to Hunter Water land

  1. Fill in the form below.
  2. We review your application. Please note this may take up to four weeks to ensure all stakeholders are given the opportunity to provide feedback.
  3. If approved you will be required to enter into a non-exclusive licence agreement with Hunter Water.
  4. Pay the applicable licence fee.

Request to access Hunter Water land

To complete the form you will need to submit:

  • A copy of public liability insurance in the amount of $20,000,000
  • A Safe Work Method Statement for any large vehicles or higher risk activities.

Please note: if approved you will be required to enter into a non-exclusive licence agreement with Hunter Water which outlines the rights, responsibilities and control measures for any approved activity on our land.

As per our Privacy Statement, the personal information we collect in this form is used to deliver you our services, which includes granting access to Hunter Water land as requested.

Your contact details

Are you a business, contractor or developer?

Business details


Hunter Water land information

Vehicles, machinery and equipment

Drag and drop a file here or click to upload
    Drag and drop a file here or click to upload


      I/we understand and acknowledge the following:

      • Further information may be requested to assess the impact of activities.
      • Persons accessing the land may need to be inducted to the land which will require making an appointment with the relevant stakeholders – this will be confirmed through the approval process.
      • Hunter Water retains the right to refuse any request for access. Grounds for refusal include security, safety and environmental concerns, or interference with our operations.
      • Hunter Water retains the right to revoke or vary any approved access if the situation changes or new information is received
      • Approval of a request for access does not give any consent for works or other activities to be carried out on our land.
      • The information I have provided in this application is true, to the best of my knowledge.

      Any information you provide us in this form will not be used for any other purpose. View our Privacy Statement for more details.