Branxton Wastewater Treatment Works

Branxton Wastewater Treatment Works serves the communities of Branxton, East Branxton and Greta.

It currently treats 1.5 megalitres per day and can handle wastewater from a population of up to 8,500 people.


The Branxton Wastewater Treatment Works provides tertiary treatment of the wastewater by the following process:

  1. inlet works including fine screening and grit removal
  2. membrane bioreactor
  3. disinfection utilising chlorine
  4. two sludge lagoons

The plant is designed to provide a high level of treatment.

Recycling and reuse

All biosolids produced at the Branxton Wastewater Treatment Works are beneficially used for mine site rehabilitation and pasture improvement projects.

Recycled water from this Wastewater Treatment Works is supplied to the Vintage Resort and used to irrigate the Branxton Golf Course, gardens and lawns.

Environmental Licence Monitoring

Pollution monitoring data is collected by Hunter Water, as required under the Environment Protection Licences (EPL) issued by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA).