Water usage calculator
Our water usage calculator estimates your annual water consumption based on your answers to questions regarding water use in and around the home.
Keeping your car or boat spotless can be taxing on your water bill. There’s nothing quite like the shine of a freshly cleaned car. But while enjoying that spotless glow, it’s important to make sure it’s not at the expense of excessive water use.
Here are some water-saving tips for washing your car at home:
Commercial car washes often use recycled water in the early stages of the wash.
Look for this logo at your local car wash to make sure has a five-star water saving rating.
Under Smart Water Choices, you may wash and rinse any car, boat or caravan with a bucket, using a hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or a pressure cleaner at any time on any day.
Our water usage calculator estimates your annual water consumption based on your answers to questions regarding water use in and around the home.
If you're thoughtful you can really make things go a long way, especially water.