Love Water
Water is precious, it belongs to all of us. You can do your part by taking shorter showers, turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, and checking your toilets and taps for leaks.
Water is precious, and with around 40 per cent of household water going to our bathrooms (much of which is wasted), it’s important to be more mindful of how we’re using it. Help save water by being conscious of your usage and by checking the water efficiency of bathroom appliances.
Think about how long your showers are—if everyone in the Hunter spent one minute less in the shower, we could save nearly 4 million litres of water in a single day!
Shorter showers are the single most effective way we can save water in our region. Check out this 4 minutes playlist of all the best shower songs, so you jam out in the shower and save water at the same time!
Old-style showerheads can use up to 15-20 litres per minute, whereas upgrading to a three-star WELS rated showerhead would reduce this to no more than 9 litres a minute.
A continuously running toilet can leak up to 60,000 litres of water per year as the water trickles down the back of the bowl. Follow these steps to detect a leak and conserve your bathroom water use:
It is important to check your toilet for leaks every few months so you can ensure it’s not wasting water.
There are many simple ways you can save bucket loads of water in your kitchen. Check out our range of water-saving tips to make the most of the water in your kitchen.
Sign up to The Stream, get all the latest from Hunter Water at the click of a button. Want to know more about major projects in our region? Or get water-saving tips delivered straight to your inbox? How about interviews with some of our experts?
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Water is precious, it belongs to all of us. You can do your part by taking shorter showers, turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, and checking your toilets and taps for leaks.
Our water usage calculator estimates your annual water consumption based on your answers to questions regarding water use in and around the home.