Fencing work to begin

Related to the Stockton Land Restoration project Published 19 June 2020

Work will soon begin to construct a chain-mesh fence around the southern portion of land. This land was previously a council landfill site and is being restored and planted with native species. It's necessary to protect the area, especially while the new native plants are establishing.

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See what else has been happening on the Stockton Land Restoration project

Some of the concrete tank traps, removed from the shoreline in October 2020, have been relocated toward the front of Hunter Water’s land along Fullerton Street, Stockton.

Read more about Tank traps re-located to protect land and improve security

World War II tank trap removal

Published 9 October 20

Over the past two weeks we have removed most of the concrete World War II tank traps from our section of the shoreline at Stockton beach.

Read more about World War II tank trap removal

Hunter Water has commenced construction of a large sand container seawall to protect its site at Stockton from coastal erosion.

Read more about Work commences on sand container seawall at Stockton

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