Path tap with TAP handle
This image shows a path tap with a handle similar to what you see on a standard tap.
4:00pm Sun 19: Hunter Water continues to follow the actions in its Dam Safety Emergency Plan, as the water level recedes at Chichester Dam.
For more informationWater supply has been restored to our customers, however some may experience low pressure. If issues persist, please call our team on 1300 657 000. As a precaution, it is advised people avoid swimming in beaches (including ocean baths) and waterways for at least two days after heavy rain.
For more informationPath taps are often out of sight and probably out of mind. If you have an emergency, you'll need to find it in a hurry and turn your water off.
Your path tap is not the garden tap at the front of your property. It's the tap connected to your water meter frame, usually at the front of your property and is used to turn your water supply on and off.
This image shows a path tap with a handle similar to what you see on a standard tap.
This image shows a path tap with a lever handle, similar to a valve.
Some path taps have no handles or levers.
Over time, your water meter can become hidden by a build-up of soil or by garden plants growing over it.
We recommend that you inspected the water meter and meter frame regularly to ensure it is clear of concrete, plants, trees and other obstructions.