3 September 2020

Sand dune rehabilitation works underway at Belmont

Hunter Water has partnered with Belmont Wetlands State Park and Trees in Newcastle to rehabilitate a section of sand dunes at Belmont.

The 800-metre section of sand dunes on Nine Mile Beach forms an important barrier in protecting our Belmont Wastewater Treatment Works from the damaging effects of sea spray and large storm events.

“This project will help prevent erosion of the sand dunes on Nine Mile Beach, as well as protect the area behind the dunes from erosion and rising sea levels,” said Project Manager Lorenzo Sposito.

“We’ve already begun work to construct ‘dune forming’ fences and perimeter fencing along the beach. In addition, we’ll also be removing weeds such as Bitou Bush and planting native species on the dunes.”

The project is expected to take around two months to complete with the help of the local organisations.

Local organisation Trees in Newcastle is assisting with planting native species on the dunes.

Public access to the beach will continue

While the work is underway there will be no changes to public access to the beachfront. 4WD vehicles currently drive along Nine Mile Beach, with access near Third Creek/Jewells in the north and via land owned by Lake Macquarie City Council south of the project location.

Although Hunter Water owns land down to the high-tide mark on Nine Mile Beach, the fencing will be located further up the beach and closer to the dunes, so vehicles can continue to travel along the beach at high tide.

Belmont dune rehabilitation

For more information on our work to rehabilitate a section of sand dunes at Belmont, or to contact the project team.

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