Community information sessions - Paterson

Related to the Lostock Dam to Glennies Creek Dam Pipeline with Paterson River Connection project Published 1 November 2023

Approximately 70 residents, business owners and water users came to the Community Information Sessions held in Paterson on 1 November 2023. Community members were invited to learn more about the two proposed locations for the potential water pump station at Paterson and let us know what they felt were the positive and negative aspects of both locations.

Approximately 70 residents, business owners and water users came to the Community Information Sessions held in Paterson on 1 November 2023. Community members were invited to learn more about the two proposed locations for the potential water pump station at Paterson and let us know what they felt were the positive and negative aspects of both locations.

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See what else has been happening on the Lostock Dam to Glennies Creek Dam Pipeline with Paterson River Connection project

If you're heading to Tocal Field Days, please drop by and talk to us - Site 394.

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Thank you everyone who came to talk to us at these 'drop-in' sessions at Maitland, Singleton and Tocal.

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Doorknocking Paterson Businesses

Published 21 December 23

Thank you Paterson business owners for answering your door bell!

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