Shaping our water future - 2025-2030 Price Proposal

2025-2030 Price Proposal - Stage 3


We would like your help to shape our water and wastewater services to the end of the decade, so that we can make sure our services meet your needs and deliver community value.

Find out what we learned from you in our Stage 1 Engagement Summary and Stage 2 Engagement Summary.

What to expect

Our engagement will be carried out in phases so our customers and community will see and hear from us at different times throughout the development of our pricing proposal.

We are now in the deliberative stage of our engagement. Results from the first two stages of engagement, along with feedback from other customer and community engagement, will be given to a new representative community panel. The community panel will be statistically representative of various customer segments to ensure good representation, and selected at random to remove biases. The panel will consider all the evidence and provide recommendations for the good of the entire community. The panel’s views and preferences will be incorporated to the maximum extent possible.

Stage 3 Deliberative Community Panel

Invitations were sent to 12,000 randomly selected customers and community members in the Hunter region. Selection was managed by an independent specialist recruitment organisation.

The people who registered their interest were placed in a pool, and another random sample was undertaken to select a final panel of 45 people that reflects the diversity of our customers and community.

The community panel met for six days between November and March to help us meet the challenges we face.

The community panel deliberated, reached consensus and provided recommendations on a range of topics. Hunter Water have committed to incorporate the panel’s recommendations to the maximum extent possible. See more about our deliberative panel by watching the video below.

Our Challenge

Hunter Water's costs of providing water services are increasing. These higher costs will be passed on to customers through increased prices. We are also faced with some important decisions that will impact customer bills.

How do we balance providing reliable, high-quality services, while protecting the environment, creating a positive legacy for future generations, and keeping prices affordable?


Stage 1 - Exploring customer and community values and experiences

July - December 2022

Understanding your values and priorities as well as your interest and expectations for participation in decision making.

Quantifying customer and community values

January - June 2023

Understanding what value you place on the experiences, interests, concerns and priorities identified in stage 1.

Stage 3 - Quantifying customer and community values

August 2023 - April 2024

Customer and community deliberation on the topics that have been investigated in phase 1 and valued in stage 2.

Stage 4 - Confirm and validate

April - May 2024

Testing and validating with customers and community what we learned in stage 3.

Stage 5 - Close the loop


Closing the loop with customers and community about how their feedback has been incorporated in our pricing proposal.

Stage 6 - Submit Price Proposal to IPART


Final price proposal to IPART.

Stage 7 - IPART review of Price Submission and determination

OCTOBER 2024 - JUNE 2025

IPART reviews the pricing submission and makes it's price determination.

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